One question we frequently receive is how to fit an event such as ours into a busy school year. As an event that teaches students cross-disciplinary skills, our competitions naturally touch on teaching points across almost the entire modern school curriculum – from science to english, from graphic design to economics and social studies.
Many of the teachers who participate in our events choose to operate this as an extra-curricular club, outside of school hours, and we offer these students and teachers strong support. However, we also know of many high schools that use SSDC materials in their curricula. To provide two examples:
- For one school in US Mountain Time Zone, the SSDC Qualifying Competition proposal is a project in AP Physics.
- For another on the US West coast, the SSDC Qualifying Competition proposal is used in English class as a way to show how the English language is used in industry.
If you are interested in getting in touch with either of these schools to learn how they do this, please contact me at the email address below and I will introduce you.
We have a long-term goal to make the SSDC experience available to every high school student in the U.S., and we encourage our Regional Coordinators to do the same in their Regions. You may contact me at the email address below if you would like to start a conversation about how to do this for your students.
Anita Gale
AEC Chair & SSDC Co-Founder