Group Dynamics & Team Composition:
The SSDC is designed to encourage individuals to learn to operate within a group environment. As much as there is an emphasis on research and writing of the final submission; the competition will test and develop your ability to work with people under pressure to meet deadlines. Many (if not all) teams find this the hardest component of the Competition.
It is important to realize that everyone within a group has different values and ideas. Each team member will have individual strengths and weaknesses. Some will be talented at math and science, others at English, others at design or art. Some will be good researchers, some excellent team players, and a few good leaders. The most successful team will be able to make use of each individual’s strengths and work through everyone’s weaknesses.
The first goal, once you have a team, is to organize the group into an effective working body. There are many ways to do this, and there is no one correct method. At ISSDC semifinals and finals, student companies are asked to fit their members into the organization chart shown here.